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  • respect the rules of the game

  • accept the decisions of coach, officials and referees without comment

  • always show respect for players, coaches, club officials, game officials, volunteers and spectators

  • conduct yourself with honour and dignity

  • be generous when you win

  • be gracious when you lose

  • attend training regularly, contact coach when unavailable

  • work for the good of your team, e.g. attitude, attendance and conduct

  • acknowledge the efforts of team mates and opponents

  • unruly language or behaviour will not be tolerated

  • act as a role model for younger players

  • play for the fun of it and not just to please parents and coaches

  • do not accept or use any banner or unauthorised drug(s)

The following points are to be considered in the event of Conduct breaches by Eaton Dardanup Football Club players:

  • the Committee to discuss the issue with the said player

  • corrective measures put in place to assist in the development of the player

  • review the position and depending on the severity of the complaint consider a temporary or permanent ban

  • if the player applies the following year the Committee have the right to decline the application

In the event of a complaint to Eaton Dardanup Football Club regarding one or more of its players the following bans should be considered only if no penalty is given by any of the following - Referees Association, Country Coastal Junior Soccer Association (CCJSA) or South West Soccer Association (SWSA)

  • violence of any type - possible expulsion from the club (at the discretion of the Committee)

  • foul language - 1st offence - official written warning

  • foul language - 2nd office - one week ban

  • referee, club official, player or spectator abuse - 1st offence - official written warning

  • referee, club official, player or spectator abuse - 2nd offence - one week ban

  • poor sportsmanship - verbal caution


The Eaton Dardanup Football Club is operated by volunteer staff working to provide a safe enjoyable environment in which children of our community can develop sporting skills and experience the social benefits of team play.

Parents/Spectators play a vital role in our club and it is most important you follow the following guidelines:

  • always support your child and their team in a positive manner

  • accept the decisions of officials, including referees and committee staff without conflict

  • never ridicule or unduly scold a child for making a mistake

  • always respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, race, colour, religion language and politics, national or ethnic origin

  • fulfill your obligations willingly in the knowledge that your efforts will directly impact on your child's experience

  • always show respect for players, coaches, club officials, game officials, volunteers and other spectators

  • do not complain over trivial matters, the coach's job is hard enough

  • do not coach from the sideline that is not your job and only confuses and embarrasses the players

  • unruly language or behaviour will not be tolerated.

If these guidelines are not abided by offenders may be subject to:

  • initially a verbal warning by a committee members (which will be documented)

  • further breach being asked to leave the ground

  • police being contacted


  • always set a good example for your players

  • respective officials and accept decisions with grace

  • never ridicule or unduly scold an individual for making a mistake

  • treat opposing coaches, managers, players and spectators with respect

  • remove any player from the field whose behaviour is not acceptable

  • all junior players regardless of ability must be given fair playing time, provided players requirements have been meet

  • borrowed players must not be given preference over normal team players

  • unruly language or behaviour will not be tolerated.

The following points are to be considered in the event of Conduct breaches by Eaton Dardanup Football Club coaches/managers

  • the committee to discuss the issue with the said coach/manager

  • corrective measures put in place to assist in the development of the coach/manager

  • review the position and depending on the severity of the complain consider a temporary or permanent ban

  • if the coach/manager applies the following year the Committee have the right to decline the application

In the event of a complaint to Eaton Dardanup Club regarding one or more of its coaches and/or managers the following bans should be considered only if not penalty is given by any of the following Referees Association, Country Coastal Junior Soccer Association (CCJSA) or South West Soccer Association (SWSA)

  • violence of any type - possible expulsion from the club (at the discretion of the Committee)

  • foul language - 1st offence - official written warning

  • foul language - 2nd office - one week ban

  • referee, club official, player or spectator abuse - 1st offence - official written warning

  • referee, club official, player or spectator abuse - 2nd offence - one week ban

  • poor sportsmanship - verbal caution


  • all teams will to the best of their ability represent Eaton Dardanup Football Club with honour an integrity and will not bring the club or the game into disrepute

  • no team will run any for of individual fundraising without the permission of the Eaton Dardanup Football Club committee

  • no team will enter any competition under the banner of Eaton Dardanup Football Club without the permission of the committee

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